Genre Research: Action

 Hey blog. I hope you are doing well. 

The common camera angles, movement, and shots include : 

Camera Angles: high angle and low angle 

Movement: pan and tracking shot

Shots: wide shot 

The common costumes, lighting, acting, makeup, props, and sets include: 

Costumes: suits, stripped shirts, vests, hats, jackets, gloves, scarfs, and denim

Lighting: sky light and dim light 

Acting: boldness , imagination, and determination

Makeup: blood 

Props: weapons/ hand held props 

Sets: tall buildings, offices, car crashes, and sky scrappers 

Common editing techniques include: 

Editing: cross cutting and insert 

Common sounds include: 

Dialogue & Diegetic Sound 

Example films include:

Extraction, Equalizer, and Gran Turismo 

What elements of genre do I like and would use in my own film? 

Diegetic sound, acting, and setting 

What elements of genre do I not like and would not use in my own film ? 



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